Don’t Read This, Get Out On the Streets!

HAPPY OCCU-BIRTHDAY: Get out on the streets!

S16 was fun, a concert in a park on a lovely autumn day. With two hours of well-attended Spokescouncil to plan for today. Followed by Occupy Rosh Hashanah with over 400 people in Liberty for the non-denominational service. Including a bishop and lots of people wearing the priestly dog-collar.

And then there are cops. Everywhere. So today should be interesting.

But don’t waste time reading this: get out and do something to mark the anniversary–have an assembly, hold a speak out, walk out of class, convert your class into an assembly. Don’t contribute to the dreary meme of left melancholia, otherwise known as “thank god, we lost.”

If you’re in New York, roll with Strike Debt:

MEET: 6:30am @ 55 Water St, in the big open plaza. We’ll head out around 7-7:30, but some will stay, so come any time between 6:30 and 10am.

You may have heard about the possibility of barricades and checkpoints around the financial district. Don’t worry, we have a plan B and C if we can’t get to our assembly point.

If necessary, the communications team will send out the back-up plans by mass text. So…PLEASE GET ON THE TEXT LISTS:

1) text @S17NYC to ‘23559’ for general list

2) text @S17Debt to ‘23559’ to get on the debt bloc list

If it’s your first time using this text service, you will have to create a username.


See you here on S18 for reportbacks.