Occupy 2012 is sadly sitting shiva from now until May 17 after sunset. In the interim here are the top posts on debt, many of which have been among the most popular posts in the project and are not always easy to find. Turns out there are a lot!
Endebt and Punish: an analysis of debt as punishment
Abolition (Free, Open) Education: what happens to education if there was to be debt refusal
The Out of Control Society: How the society of control went out of control via debt
The Student Debt Campaign Intensifies: Data from the Federal Reserve on student debt
The American Spring: Debt, Segregation and the Limits of the Unspeakable: on shame
The Debt-Prison System: On debt and slavery and its aftermath
Self-Killing and (the) Depression: debt, the crisis, depression and self-killing–ends optimistically!
1T Day: Waiting for the Debt Jubilee: How I missed the 1T Day march sitting delayed in an airport and was surrounded by discourse on debt nonetheless
On Hardt and Negri’s “Declaration” Including their discussion of debt
From Debt to the Land: Via the Farm and the Forest On the common, land and Occupy the Farm
Student Debt: Stage One Accomplished The public recognition of the debt crisis
Sovereigns to Students: Debt Enforcement as Law: The Montreal crisis and the law
Debt (new) media and academia: The interface of debt and visuality in academia
Debt Strike: Make Debt Public A manifesto for the new Strike Debt campaign in OWS
Hope you find this useful. See you in a week.